Posted by CSTA on Aug 22, 2022

CSTA Montana sets goals as a chapter to build on this year!

Below are CSTA's Montana's chapter growth goals for the 2022-23 academic year:

  1. Virtual Community - Have a virtual community with regular communication (at least monthly) by both Chapter Leaders and members.
  2. Networking Opportunities - Chapter members have multiple opportunities to connect and network throughout the year either in-person or virtually.
  3. Relationship with HQ - Chapter leadership promptly responds to all CSTA HQ communications and requests, including the annual report. At least one Chapter Leader participates in the annual Chapter Leadership Summit.
  4. Web Presence - Chapter uses current CSTA branding and maintains an updated and useful chapter website.
  5. Recruitment - Recruit and incorporate new members each year, until reaching a mature organizational size.
Chapter goals are set based on the CSTA Chapter Success Rubric